Durring a
tree month stay in the island of Ikaria, in an old workshop space of embroidery
time endurance and its formative circulation were the findings that prenouned. TIME is a course of its own. It enters
patiently in traces of how and what is to encounter. Experience dwells within
time and time in experience. Time itself
is the experience. Act and encounters
run in circles of themselves and of the people involved. Often exclamations of events, curl the
flowing of time and activate vibrant frequencies. All residue and settle until the following
outbreak of shuttles. Time occurs in three
lapses, the now, the reoccurrence of the narration of events, seldom abiding a mythical
form, and in its endurance, time being the act of the experience on its own. In the space of the workshop, time abided all
three time spaces. The present time is
expansive in its experience and overstates endurance. Narration occurs through the course of filming,
time re-represents itself escaping psysical space. What is documented is fragments of occurrence,
reflective of spatial reallocation and time resilience. It is inclusive of the
isolation of the self to the nature of the events, elicit to the experience in
the village. Its reproduction recalls
the residues of time in a new existence abiding the former experience.